921 Smith Ave, St Louis, MO, 63135
5901 Dupree Ave, St Louis, MO, 63135
191 Anistasia Dr, St Louis, MO, 63135
1234 N Elizabeth Ave, Ferguson, MO, 63135
121 Williams Blvd, St Louis, MO, 63135
900 Highmont Dr, St Louis, MO, 63135
Emmaus Bible Chapel is a non-denominational assembly of believers who gather together for sound Bible teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42). We have been meeting in Ferguson since 1956.
303 N Elizabeth Ave, St Louis, MO, 63135
1309 N Elizabeth Ave, Ferguson, MO, 63135
Ferguson Church is a growing Christian fellowship with a dynamic outreach to high school and college-age individuals. Although the church is solidly "family-friendly" there is an expanding group of young-adult singles. Worship is Christ-centered, lively a ...
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333 N Florissant Rd, St Louis, MO, 63135
401 Darst Rd, St Louis, MO, 63135
333 N Florissant Rd, Ferguson, MO, 63135
The church is exploring God’s vision for the future of this congregation, as they claim to minister to our Jerusalem (Ferguson), Judea (St. Louis), Samaria Missouri and the ends of the earth.
75 Williams Blvd, St Louis, MO, 63135
121 N Harvey Ave, St Louis, MO, 63135
1442 Hudson Rd, St Louis, MO, 63135
221 Church St, St Louis, MO, 63135
PO Box 10974, St Louis, MO, 63135
510 N Florissant Rd, St Louis, MO, 63135
PO Box 35006, St Louis, MO, 63135
1 N Dade Ave, Ferguson, MO, 63135
PO Box 35069, Ferguson, MO, 63135
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