We are a Gospel-centered congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America rooted in Reformed theology. The church was founded in 1870 and is committed to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) of taking the Gospel to the whole world. We are focused on loving and glorifying God as we serve our community and reach the world with the Good News of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
James Ryan
enjoys ministering in a small town, small church context, preachingthe Gospel, teaching the Bible, and serving the Church and community along with his wife Sarah. His hobbies include reading, music, and travel.

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:45 Fellowship

9:15 Sunday School

10:30 Morning Worship Service
Crossroads Youth Group offers students in 7th – 12th grades an opportunity to study the Bible in a safe environment where questions are encouraged and spiritual growth is the goal. Young people are quite often at a Crossroads in their lives where their faith is being examined and new ideas being explored. Our aim is to help them on their journey and lead them to the “narrow gate” that leads to Jesus Christ. Of course, we also have singing, silly games, and food to round out our activities.
We meet from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings throughout the school year, as well as some additional outings just for fun.

One of the most powerful ways to worship the LORD is through song. Marissa Presbyterian Church is particularly blessed with people who love to worship through music. Our choir is open to anyone, 14 years of age and older; we meet on Wednesdays at 7 PM during the school year to rehearse anthems and special music for services. We sing an anthem during the morning service on most Sundays of the school year. We also prepare a Christmas cantata to celebrate the birth of Christ and special music for Holy Week. We periodically will travel to a local nursing home or assisted living facility to encourage the residents there.

Marissa Presbyterian Church has a church band for people who play an instrument. Comprised of members from junior high age and up, the band plays approximately every 4-6 weeks in church. The band also plays for community services and events and accompanies the choir on trips to local nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Band rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 8 PM during the school year and as needed during the summer months.

Hand Chimes
The Marissa Presbyterian Youth Chimes ensemble is open to all students in grades 3 through 12. We rehearse weekly from September through May and regularly share our talents during worship services. You do not need to know how to read music or play an instrument to join us. In the Summer we meet to teach students to play who wish to join us but have never before played chimes.
Sunday School
Christian Education is an essential part of the church’s ministry to inform those who do not know Christ and to foster spiritual growth and discipleship among Christians. Sunday school is one important part of that ministry.
Classes are available each Sunday morning at 9:15 for all ages from pre-Kindergarten through adults. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us as we explore God’s word together and consider its message for us today.
Women in the Church
WIC is a group of women, young and old, coming together to serve God, church, families and the community. It is also a group of very hard working, compassionate women who are very talented. WIC is comprised of women from all walks of life using their gifts to serve the Lord in this ministry.